Project Status : shortlisted
Project Type : YAC Competition Art Prison
Design Team : Marisa Dewi, Jessica Hindrajaja
Project Type : YAC Competition Art Prison
Design Team : Marisa Dewi, Jessica Hindrajaja
W I T H O U T B E G I N N I N G W E B E G I N . . .
In solitude, one moves not closer but further away from isolation for they become so
tremendously in contact with their whole self. And if human may humbly analogize
themself with the universe and be given to understand that both the mind and body
are a constellation of dust of light irrelevant of numbers, it is only in solitude that they
can be ever so discerning to every single speck and space that makes up the cosmos of
a “well-ordered whole”.
tremendously in contact with their whole self. And if human may humbly analogize
themself with the universe and be given to understand that both the mind and body
are a constellation of dust of light irrelevant of numbers, it is only in solitude that they
can be ever so discerning to every single speck and space that makes up the cosmos of
a “well-ordered whole”.
We do believe every human deserve a quality made for being content. Solitary can be perceived by not only physical boundaries.
Being surrounded by such seas and valleys creates a deep relationship between the lands - cape and its inhabitants.
Our project has chosen to incorporate affordable elements and re-use from nature in order to work with it, creating that seamless link
between the ground and its buildings.
The premise for the design emerged from taking into account the local wisdom. Observing its materiality, we want
our proposal to achieve a union between the future and the past by minimising the architecture intervention. The
rhythm of that space have to remain calm and tends to radiate static energy, which leads us to have glass as intermediate
material to bridge the past and the future.
our proposal to achieve a union between the future and the past by minimising the architecture intervention. The
rhythm of that space have to remain calm and tends to radiate static energy, which leads us to have glass as intermediate
material to bridge the past and the future.
As one sees themself as a well-ordered whole of matter and spaces, one moves further from the common conception (most of which are external conception), which places the focal point in one’s entirety. This allows the breaking of one’s cosmic boundaries as they ponder on specific matters/light specks and spaces, achieving a state in which one is their own free self in behaving, thinking and therefore creating.